Dear Lord,
We come humbly before You, giving thanks for life. Thank you for blessing this country despite our ways. You have protected us and given us grace and mercy.
Forgive us for turning from you only to do what we desire over what you hope for us. You forgive us because You love us. Teach us how to love the same way.
You said if we humble ourselves, pray, and turn from our wicked ways, you will heal our land. So we pray for revival, starting with our sisters and brothers in Christ. Please give us a spiritual awakening that will put us back in alignment with you.
Gear us up with God's whole armor, the Holy Spirit's fruits, and wisdom. Help us not to lean on our understanding but to acknowledge You in all our ways.
Despite what we see or hear, let our faith not be shaken because you are our provider and protector and our Father. We need You.
So with our hands lifted, our hearts turn to You. We pray for your presence in our homes, communities, and country. But, instead, we come against confusion, lies, bitterness, hate, idols, and anything that is not of You.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper. But when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift a standard against him. Therefore, we claim peace for our country and Your people.
In Jesus's name, amen.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Ephesians 6:10-18
Galatians 5:22-23
Isaiah 54:17
Isaiah 59:19